A rotation in Euler angles.

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • Constructs a new Euler rotation.


    • x: number

      The X component of the rotation vector.

    • y: number

      The Y component of the rotation vector.

    • z: number

      The Z component of the rotation vector.

    • reverse: boolean

      Should this rotation be reversed?

    Returns Euler


reverse: boolean

Is this rotation reversed?

x: number

The X component of the vector.

y: number

The Y component of the vector.

z: number

The Z component of the vector.


  • Scales another vector and adds it to this vector.


    • x: number

      The value to add to the X component.

    • y: number

      The value to add to the Y component.

    • z: number

      The value to add to the Z component.

    • scale: number

      The scaling to apply to the input vector.

    Returns this

    This instance.

  • Adds another vector to this vector.


    • x: number

      The value to add to the X component.

    • y: number

      The value to add to the Y component.

    • z: number

      The value to add to the Z component.

    Returns this

    This instance.

  • Return the components of this vector as an array.

    Returns [number, number, number]

    The components of this vector as an array.

  • Clamps the components of the vector at the given boundary.


    • floor: number

      The lowest value to allow.

    • ceil: number

      The largest value to allow.

    Returns this

    This instance.

  • Divides the vector by the given scale.


    • scale: number

      The scaling to apply to the vector.

    Returns this

    This instance.

  • Divides this vector by another vector.


    • x: number

      The value to divide the X component with.

    • y: number

      The value to divide the Y component with.

    • z: number

      The value to divide the Z component with.

    Returns this

    This instance.

  • Returns the dot product between two vectors.


    • x: number

      The X component of the other vector.

    • y: number

      The Y component of the other vector.

    • z: number

      The Z component of the other vector.

    Returns number

    The dot product between the two vectors.

  • Calculates the reflection of this vector, based on the angle of incident into a material with the given refractive index, according to Snell's law. This vector is then set to the result.


    • normal: Readonly<Vector3>

      The normal against which to reflect.

    • index: number

      The refractive index of the material.

    Returns this

    This instance.

  • Multiplies the vector by the given scale.


    • scale: number

      The scaling to apply to the vector.

    Returns this

    This instance.

  • Multiplies this vector by another vector.


    • x: number

      The value to multiply with the X component.

    • y: number

      The value to multiply with the Y component.

    • z: number

      The value to multiply with the Z component.

    Returns this

    This instance.

  • Sets the vector to new coordinates.


    • x: number

      The new X component for the vector.

    • y: number

      The new Y component for the vector.

    • z: number

      The new Z component for the vector.

    Returns this

    This instance.

  • Subtracts another vector from this vector.


    • x: number

      The value to subtract from the X component.

    • y: number

      The value to subtract from the Y component.

    • z: number

      The value to subtract from the Z component.

    Returns this

    This instance.