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Quick Start

  1. Install node-scripts-docs:

    yarn add -D node-scripts-docs
    npm install -D node-scripts-docs
  2. Run an initial check on your project:

    yarn nsd --check-only
    npx nsd --check-only


    To run nsd on another project, you can simply pass the directory as an unlabeled argument:

    yarn nsd ~/projects/myrepo --check-only
    npx nsd ~/projects/myrepo --check-only
  3. Drop the --check-only to write the initial documentation scaffold. Then begin editing the descriptions in the generated documentation fragments right away.

    Whenever you've added scripts, removed scripts, updated documentation fragments, just run yarn nsd again to synchronize the documentation and the scripts.


By default, this tool will only operate on scripts that either are defined in the root manifest, or have a : in their name. By yarn definition, the latter are globally available scripts throughout the monorepo. This tool is primarily designed for that scenario.

However, you can pass --include-locals to also include all other scripts in the build. If you are working in a monorepo, where multiple workspaces define the same script (like test), this will result in collisions that are currently unhandled.

Sample output

node-scripts-docs (2022-01-22T20:56:40.834Z)
Working directory: /home/oliver/projects/node-scripts-docs
Manifest: package.json (exists) [node-scripts-docs@0.0.2]
Metadata store: package.json-scripts.json (exists)
Docs location: docs/reference/yarn Scripts/ (exists)
Finding all scripts in all workspaces...
Found 1 manifest(s).
Manifests contain 5 script(s), 3 as global.
Loading existing metadata...
Store contains 4 script(s).
Loading existing fragments...
Docs contain 2 fragment(s).
 --- Pending documentation ---

 --- New scripts ---

Augmenting metadata with existing documentation fragment data...
Augmentation complete.
Flushing metadata...
Process completed in 56.703ms.