An offscreen canvas.

This isn't created from a DOM node, but from an existing OffscreenCanvas.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



Our back buffer.

The canvas element we're interacting with.

The configuration that was used for this canvas.


  • get height(): number

    Retrieves the height of the canvas.

    Returns number

    The height of the canvas.

  • get width(): number

    Retrieves the width of the canvas.

    Returns number

    The width of the canvas.


  • Fills the entire back buffer with the given color.


    • color: number

      The color to fill the back buffer with.

    Returns void

  • Draws a slightly transparent, black rectangle over the canvas, and then reads the result back into the buffer.


    • color: number = ...

      The color to fade the buffer with. The alpha component of the color defines how strong the fade is. 0 is not at all, 255 makes it instantly black.

    Returns void

  • Returns the color of a pixel in the back buffer.


    • x: number

      The X coordinate to retrieve.

    • y: number

      The X coordinate to retrieve.

    Returns number

    The color of the pixel at the given local.

  • Draw FPS information onto the canvas.


    • frameTimes: number[]

      Durations of previous frame draws.

    • frameTime: number

      The duration of the previous frame draw.

    • timeDelta: number

      The time elapsed since the last frame.

    Returns void

  • Colors a pixel in the back buffer.


    • x: number

      The X coordinate to color.

    • y: number

      The Y coordinate to color.

    • color: number

      The color to place at the coordinate.

    Returns void