Construct a new host application.
Usually a hidden canvas in the DOM to serve as an event proxy.
Application options.
Usually a hidden canvas that serves as a proxy for canvas sandbox events.
Application options.
Is the application running right now?
PRNG instance for the application.
workersWeb worker instances.
Request the application to draw a new frame. This call has no effect in a host application, as all rendering happens in the workers.
How many milliseconds passed since the last frame draw.
The current timestamp.
Pauses all workers.
Posts a message to all workers.
Message to post to all workers.
reconfigureReconfigure the application with the given options and restart it.
The canvas to use.
options: Partial<TApplicationOptions>The new options to use.
Start the application.
Base class for multi-process canvas sandbox applications.
Helps in orchestrating the workers.